Re: Ikarus auto italic
I have long relied on Briem’s approach for most normal fonts. It has worked well for me as a starting point, usually gets me very close.3 -
Re: We need new keyboards
With an adapter, you can still use external keyboards from the 1980s or 90s on current computers, whether ADB (Mac) or PS/2 (PC). * ADB-to-USB adapters are pricy, at $25–49 although there may be some…1 -
Re: Feature circled characters
Peter, the 'nalt' feature is not so specific, though. From the feature registry, it: “Replaces default glyphs with various notational forms (e.g. glyphs placed in open or solid circles, squares, pare…1 -
Re: OUP is seeking a Global Fonts Manager
I can’t take the opinion seriously when somebody thinks Minion is not fit for immersive reading, but Times is. It is not that Times is bad, btw. I think it is a great workhorse, and it was a perfectl…6 -
Re: Transforming Typeface Design: Moving Beyond Gutenberg and Roman Traditions
It is not a whole new mindset. There have been many, many snake oil concepts in reading and fonts before. The problem is not a lack of ideas, it is a lack of proof. In this case, the ONLY evidence w…2